Thread: New project car
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Old 09-14-2011, 11:10 AM
martureo martureo is online now
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Originally Posted by Army View Post
Removing the engine is best done with the transmission attached.

Here's how I removed mine (by myself)

How I took out my 1981 W123 300D (euro) non-turbo engine

You are talking about paint - before you decide to paint have a look for rust. I am one of the few (ha ha) who don't believe adverts that say "rust free w123"!

Here's how I'm tackling the rust (work in progress)

My W123 saloon / sedan old accident repair (and a bit of rust repair) thread

If you want some more information on painting well guess what I've got another one for you!

I've taken your advice and started to paint!

Engine bay paint specific:-

W123 Engine bay paint advice req'd
Thank you!

EDIT: And yeah, I don't trust ads either. I'm buying it from a member of another benz board. I've already seen the car in person and was only able to find a small patch of rust on the drivers fender (thank God it's only on the removable section).

I'm sure I'll find more as I dig in deeper, but at least the underside was squeaky clean.
Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat

I recondition w123/w126/w124/w140/r107/r129/ steering boxes!

1984 300D "Elsa" odo reset 6/2011 147k
1983 300TD "Mitzi" ~268k OM603 powered
1995 E300 "Adelheid" 262k [Sold]
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