Transmission Problem & Fix
While driving home, doing at least 70 mph, my transmission went out. Nothing, nada, ziltch. Got a tow home.
Most folks said the trans was just shot.
I got a call late night from one of the moderators of the forum who told me to look at the end of the transmission and a possible loose nut.
That was it!!!
The nut came loose and the drive-shaft shifted backward.
When I started to take the thing apart, you could rattle the nut around with your finger.
The splined yoke is shot.
The nut is shot.
While taking it apart, the flex disks were on their last leg also.
As for safety issues, 2 out of six bolts were very loose, one was missing, and one was almost cut in half.
So, if your ever driving along and your transmission goes out completely, take a look at the back of your transmission for this nut and the splined yoke.
The moderator is my hero of the month as I was starting the process to yank the transmission!
Does anyone know the technical name for this part and nut?
Does anyone have a good one for sale with the nut?
I understand the nut is upgraded so you don't have to buy the special MB socket.
Last edited by whunter; 07-13-2011 at 01:23 PM.
Reason: spelling