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Old 05-06-2011, 12:43 PM
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DeliveryValve DeliveryValve is offline
Chairman of my Benz
Join Date: Jun 2006
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I still remember the day Aryton Senna died. I woke up early in the morning, turn on the TV and the race was just starting. I watched for a bit and then the crash happened. I remember the race was put on hold for a while and the news feeds replayed the crash over and over again. I turned off the TV and went on with my day. Later I was shocked to hear he had died.

About 6 years later, I had a conversation with my Brazilian co-worker. She was telling me when she was living in Brazil how devastating it was for everybody in her country to loose their national hero.

This would be a interesting movie to see.

1983 123.133 California
- GreaseCar Veg System

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