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Old 05-02-2011, 03:25 PM
carat 3.6 amg's Avatar
carat 3.6 amg carat 3.6 amg is offline
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Location: high wycombe, england
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99 clk 230 kompressor transmission problem

Ok guys, I just bought a 1999 230 clk kompressor with an automatic transmission problem.

The syptoms are that it seems to be stuck in drive for some reason, but I can still move the gear selector ok. It also lets me start the engine with the selector in any position and the brake pedal interlock dosent work either, as I can move the selector without pressing the brake pedal.
It will try to drive foward, but only just.

I have heard that these cars have a computer that controls the tramsmission, so I thought it could be that?

Any idea's guys?
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