Originally Posted by vstech
harsh shifts sounds like you had a vacuum leak.
I know it does but when I put my vacuum gauge on the line to the transmission it's right at spec. I shut off the engine and the vacuum under the hood and at my HVAC dashpots is held for 20 minutes or so.
It use to flair or is it flare when the vacuum solenoids were present and I think when the prior owner had the trans-modulator replaced the mechanic turned the pressure up very high to stop the flaring.
I believe everything under the hood (VCV, vacuum integrity, etc) is at spec. I have misplaced one of the two green restrictors and hope that have that in place tomorrow. Reinstalling the BFS helped.
I know the Bowden cable only influences the location of the shift points but I still think I should slightly shorten the cable. After that I will try to lower the trans-mod pressure by a half turn at most.
That's as far as I can see at the moment.