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Old 08-20-2002, 12:50 AM
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aTOMic aTOMic is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hendersonville, Tennessee, USA, Earth
Posts: 451
Thanks for the response; I measured it at fifteen inches, does that sound long enough? Does the speedo cable run into a definite dead end after cleaning out the gunk buildup, or does it just keep going into the manifold?
RIP "Betsy" (Oo=*=oO)
'96 E 3 2 0 (W 2 1 0) M 1 0 4

Spaces in sig so as not to screw up the SEARCH; every time someone searches for that MB they don't want my sig!

2004 Audi A8L
'98 VW Passat 1.8T 5M
'87 Alfa Romeo Milano 2.5L 5M
'67 Impala convertible, 327cid
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