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Old 07-18-2010, 09:54 AM
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Gilly Gilly is offline
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I believe (note when I say "I believe" it means I am not 100%), that the only thing that will turn the compressor off when the system should be operating, is the high pressure and low pressure switches. It's possible under such hot conditions that the high pressure limit is being reached and the compressor is switched off until the pressure lowers. The system would still be cooling. You could be slightly overcharged, but at 100 plus ambient, this might be normal. The switches are there for a reason!
Another contributing factor to high pressures would be an inoperative condensor fan (or suction fan, whichever the car being discussed has). The fan running for the AC system is low speed. On older cars the electric fan actually exists primarily for the AC system. High speed fan settings are for the engine, when the engine is getting too hot the fans come on high speed. Again this varies by car model, and definitely different if the car has ONLY the electric fan (called a suction fan).
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