Sounds like your tranny is flaring (skipping gears). You still didn't say from what gear to what gear......
Most of these symptoms indicate a vacuum leak. You may also have vacuum-driven parts that are not necessary such as egr, etc but still are connected. In my 84D, I found that removing and sealing the vac lines to unnecessary accessories corrected the flaring and shifting issue.
the sooner you start... the sooner you'll get done  If it ain't broke, don't fix it..  Its always simpler to tell the truth... 
2007 Honda Accord EX
2007 Honda Accord SE V6
96 C220
97 Explorer - Found Another Home 
2000 Honda Accord V6 - Found Another Home
85 300D - Found Another Home 
84 300D - Found Another Home 
80 300TD - Found Another Home 
Previous cars:
96 Caravan
87 Camry
84 Cressida
82 Vanagon
80 Fiesta
78 Nova
Ford Cortina
Opel Kadet
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