Originally Posted by Codifex Maximus
A battery hydrometer, then, measures the level of charge on a cell. Measure the value on each cell and record in your notebook. ...If they are spot on or real close, the battery will probably take a charge.
Some questions regarding taking measurements (Need to purchase the hydrometer later today):
1) Do I then take out some liquid out of each cell to measure SG of each cell in the hydrometer, or do I just dip it in each cell?
2) Am I looking for any specific value with each measurement, or just simply making sure they are about even across all cells and adjusting the low readings by adding battery acid and topping off with distilled water?
1987 Mercedes 300SDL; SOLD
1985 Mercedes 300D; SOLD

2006 Honda Pilot - wife's ride; 122K;
1995 Toyota Land Cruiser - 3X locked; 182K