Originally Posted by TimFreeh
Don't you ever get tired of this democrat=good, republican=bad nonsense?
It's not an issue of "us" taxpayers paying the debt that our recent administrations (democrat AND republican in case you haven't noticed) have already spent - you and I will be dead for decades before the debt we already have incurred is payed back. The issue, for me, is that we are saddling our children and their economic futures with massive piles of debt that they will have to pay.
This WILL lower their standard of living and their prospects for a good life because WE don't have the gonads to fix OUR PROBLEMS by OURSELVES.
But since you just go on and on and on with this political party nonsense I'll humor you.... do a quick look up on Chris Dodd and his position on the F22.
For politicians it always comes down to pork, it doesn't matter at all what flavor.
Any Demo who supports it cause of jobs to his state should be replaced. These guys who have been bought and stay bought need to be shown the door, and instead of us just complaining about it, we should make it happen.
As for R vs. D, the Rrs are making first rate clowns of themselves. Some historians make a good case that the Great Depression had it's roots in WW1 and that Jimmy Carter's economy woes had their roots in the massive $$$ spent for no return in Vietnam.
But does it cross Rr minds that maybe the WOT and OIF especially is the real cause of our economic doldrums, that combined with a broad array of poor consumer choices? No, it's OBAMA what screwed up the economy. The full court press on any and all things Obama is ludicrous. The hard right love the feud and their ideology more than they love the country.
Most all the Rrs and the Blue Cross democrats have been bought by Big Isurance/Big Pharma.
So much for the WWW. I've searched for a party line breakdown on who voted for it but I can't find it. McCain made good sense. Gates made good sense. We already have a Rolls Royce defense compared to everyone else's clapped out Rambler.