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Old 04-24-2009, 09:54 AM
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KarTek KarTek is offline
<- Ryuko of Kill La Kill
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Originally Posted by nhdoc View Post
I disagree...I have had experiences when I have filled my tank and noticed some fuels cause more clatter and nailing, especially at idle. I have more trouble with Mobil than with Sunoco so I usually use Sunoco but when forced to use Mobil I add some power service (white bottle in winter, grey in summer) and it does quiet it down. Both products have additives which raise the cetane of the fuel so I don't think it is psychological.
There may be a psycological component to it but I agree it has a lot to do with the cetane leval and quality of fuel.

I bought fuel for the truck once at a station that I had never bought from before and it immediately started a noticable idle knock which went away instantly when I refilled again a month later. (I don't drive the truck much).

Benz Fleet:
1968 UNIMOG 404.114
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