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Old 02-21-2009, 07:42 PM
wgilmore wgilmore is offline
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Originally Posted by arcticathlon View Post
so i read other threads about "To remove or not to remove...?" but am not sure what i should do.

I bought the 190D 2.5 Turbo and it is slow on take offs when the engine is cold. I am talking, i will floor the throttle (not to the kickdown tho) and the engine will slowly and i mean slowly creep up the RPMs. 0-30mph like 25 seconds. it barely accelerates.

So i changed the both fuel filters, did a diesel purge, and to test if i have a clogged tank screen, i am running via a mini tank in the engine bay. still slow. i have also checked the linkage for full travel and it does make it to the IP stop.

It is drivable like this, but annoying. i am hoping to buy a 5 speed tranny swap kit later, but that should only fix the odd shifting issues of the automatic.

before i get the 5 speed tho, i would like to remove the Alda (or tweak it, but i cant see how i could do that with so little room) and then install the K1 spring kit.

What else should i check regarding the slow takeoff?

Diesels need heat. Have you ever noticed a big rig taking off cold? Not much power and they don't stomp on it cold. I've seen diesels allowed to come to operating temp. before getting on them.
Anyway, I would also say that my 300SDL is mostly a dog as well when cold.
I ran about a 12 (Edit** should read 14 seconds- perhaps 13 since I was going uphill a bit ** End Edit) 0-60 last night - engine up to temp,
but that would be as you said, much worse on a cold engine.
IMHO, heavy acceleration on a cold diesel is not good, I don't do it (prepped and ready for flames).
I would not mess with ALDA yet.
How does the car perform at operating temp?
1986 300SDL 201K Daily Driver
1984 300D In Progress
1989 240GL 196K Swedish Brick
1984 300SD -- Sold 289K

Last edited by wgilmore; 02-22-2009 at 02:17 PM.
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