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Old 02-08-2009, 03:01 AM
Lycoming-8 Lycoming-8 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: NE Okla
Posts: 1,104
Hey PatBob,

I wonder how much difference there is between your 20yr old copy of Morrison & Boyd and my 46yr old copy??

You are so very right about the copper and fats and oils (WVO). I worked in the fatty acid industry in the late 50's and early 60's and you could spot a piece of copper tubing or a fitting a mile away, as it had that slimy oil residue all over it and it had all turned the charactistic copper Green. Can get really nasty. Stainless steel is so much better, but costs quite a bit more and has its own issues with salt and stress corrosion cracking.
1961 190Db retired
1968 220D/8 325,000
1983 300D 164,150
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