I NEVER thought i'd ever be SNOWED IN in LA County, but here in the high desert(and mountains outside of Palmdale, CA). I was snowed in for 2 days and got out this morning. I was afraid I'd hurt my Euro 500SEC, but she did fine in and out and even backing(read slipping) backwards into a ditch this morning trying to "back" out of a situation. Guy in a H2 Hummer Pulled me out with no trouble and no damage to The Bluebird! Thank God for the tow eye. Back home OK and the Bluebird is put up for the duration. The duration will probably be tomorrow! as the snow is melting very fast today. Still have several inches left of the over a Foot on the level and 2-3 foot drifts. I need a 4X4 and a Tractor!...for the one time in years it does this up here. Maybe more than One would think this year!!!
I'll never make a joke about a H2 Hummer again. I will say this wasn't the run of the mill Mall Hummer with the Gawdy Wheels and never in 4WD, Bimbo driven ones seen all over CA. This Hummer is equipped. I should have snapped a picture. Truly Awesome Off Road vehicle.
1986 Euro 500SEC "RUF" 9:1CR, "Rose"
1985 Euro 500SEC Cabriolet AMG Widebody
1982 Euro 500SEL "Blue"
2001 Texas Heeler (Aussie/Queensland X) "Sulphie",
2012 Queensland Red Heeler "Squeak"
Best dogs I've ever had.
Last edited by Chadahar; 12-19-2008 at 07:25 PM.