Went to go pick up the new O ring to seal the IP to the crankcase and the wrong part was ordered. Damn it! Now I have to wait till next week. I'm going to throw it in tonight just to see what happens.
If I get the same results what should I do?
If the IP is too far advanced wound it knock badly?
When I had her at 34 degrees BTDC I heard one knock at start up and then nothing. It sounded quiet and smooth like my 1987 300TD and a 1995 S350D I test drove. It drove great too! It would break the tires loose from a stop!

Before it sounded like a OM617 at idle

and had a slight shake to her.
I may do another compression test, but I haven’t noticed anything different from the engine since I did it last year.
Should I get a second opinion on my IP? There is Yankee Diesel in Newtown, CT. Is there anywhere else in the CT area for IP testing / timing?
What is the pop pressure the injectors are supposed to be set to? I had all the injectors pop tested and set last year. Could the pop pressure being set incorrectly cause my condition? Lets say that if the injectors are supposed to pop at 120 psi and they are set to pop at 140 psi, that would cause my late condition, right? I see that they all popped low prior to being rebuilt??? Hummmmm! Interesting!