Back at it.
There's the pesky IAC to deal with. The original GM manifold has a vacuum channel built in. The plate I made doesn't have one. The gasket sitting on the base of the TBI.
I have to create the vacuum port so a quick "snip-snip" through the gasket connecting the IAC to the venturi. It doesn't need to be large. Keep it in the narrowest flange area you can.
Here's the amended gasket ready for installation.
TBI in place with lines formed (Dorman part numbers 800-151 and 800-153). Don't bother dealing with the parts guys, just TELL them what part numbers you want. They'll give you statements such as, "That is for a "quick-connect" or, that is a fuel line repair kit".
I had bent the lines perfectly to fit around the valve cover and thought I was "hot ****". This is a picture of me holding the cut-off portion. Man, it looked sweet!