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Old 11-24-2008, 09:59 PM
Mike D Mike D is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Tucson, AZ
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Back at it.

There's the pesky IAC to deal with. The original GM manifold has a vacuum channel built in. The plate I made doesn't have one. The gasket sitting on the base of the TBI.
M115 T.B.I. conversion-stuff-013.jpg

I have to create the vacuum port so a quick "snip-snip" through the gasket connecting the IAC to the venturi. It doesn't need to be large. Keep it in the narrowest flange area you can.

M115 T.B.I. conversion-stuff-016.jpg

Here's the amended gasket ready for installation.

M115 T.B.I. conversion-stuff-015.jpg

TBI in place with lines formed (Dorman part numbers 800-151 and 800-153). Don't bother dealing with the parts guys, just TELL them what part numbers you want. They'll give you statements such as, "That is for a "quick-connect" or, that is a fuel line repair kit".

M115 T.B.I. conversion-stuff-005.jpg

I had bent the lines perfectly to fit around the valve cover and thought I was "hot ****". This is a picture of me holding the cut-off portion. Man, it looked sweet!

M115 T.B.I. conversion-stuff-006.jpg
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