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Old 05-10-2008, 12:30 AM
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crashone crashone is offline
1983 300SD, 4 speeed
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Raleighish, NC
Posts: 664
You can replace the rear springs on a 126 without a spring compressor. I have done so a few times. You will need to raise the back of the car up after disconnecting the shock from inside the cabin.(now would be a good time to replace the rear shocks!!!), Disconnect the "Z" link. Remove the rear tire on the side you are working on (trying to remember all the steps, these are not neccasarily in order). You will have to remove the back seat to get to the upper shock mount. This is not a hard job, just kind of time consumming. Count on 3 to 4 hours to do both sides. While you ate there change the "Z" links out, they are plastic and will probably need changing by now. One thing I did find out is that a regular spring compressor will work on the rear springs and does make the job easier but not the front springs. Don't even attempt the front ones without the proper compressor!!!There are two (2) sway bar bushings above the Z links that are cheap enough to replace now also. Have fun work safe.
If it ain't broke take it apart and find out why.

1983 300SD, 4 speed
1994 C280
1987 300TD wagon
1996 HD Road King

Ride in Peace Eric Peterson, Harley of Macon
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