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Old 02-24-2008, 09:01 AM
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uberwgn uberwgn is offline
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Dave, the car is twenty five years old? And you've had a fuel tank with things living in it? At some point, the repair efforts increase exponentially when things go wrong. Something like Murphy's Law, I 'spose. I know if it was my daughter, I'd be focused on her personal safety and not worrying about the car and whether it's going to make the next 1000 miles.

I found that you've got to stay two or three steps ahead on older diesels like this and make pre-emptive repair strikes. I found this to be the case with my '83 SD. I was doing small jobs every single weekend. The car was immaculate, but still needed stuff done as components deteriorated.

My wife finally said, "ENOUGH! Get out of the garage!" And that was the end of the 1983 SD.

Maybe you look at something else for her where she doesn't have to be concerned about making it home on a dark night. Consider a lease if she can live within the prescribed mileage limits. Keep the 240D as a hobby, for her (or your) spare time.

Take care.
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