Thread: -49c
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Old 01-29-2008, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jordan G View Post
I agree - it could be packaged as temperature and wind speed.....but when it comes right down to it, if my 8 year old daughter hears that it's going to feel like -15, she's more apt to remember her scarf than if it's 5F with 30kt I suppose in that case, it has some value - albeit steeped in some media sensationalism, no doubt.

Of course, her mother would never let her out of the house without it - but that's another argument
Yes, that is true. But what if she had never learned the windchill number? If she heard that is was 5F with a 30kt wind and had only heard it that way would she be more apt to wear a scarf?

Maybe...guess we'll never know.

My 2 year old always tries to take off his stocking hat. I don't ever let him do it until we are inside the car. I'd side with your wife!

I really have cut back on my TV watching the past year. And now because of DVR I don't have to watch all the ads and can finish an hour show in about 35-40 minutes.
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