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Old 10-17-2007, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ctaylor738 View Post
The vacuum connection on top is a vent and should not be connected anywhere it it's like anything I've ever seen.

On the WUR, you should have a connection on the back that goes to the intake manifold just below the FD via a three-way connector and a temp switch, and one in front that goes to a four-way connector.
I have seen a few 82 84 etc car & theyt have the top vac hose on the vent of the WUR so it seems it has some function on the older models

My car is a 5/82 Euro

Ok...After a long study of the WUR traced most of it

The top vac hose goes to a vent off of a rubber hose that connects the air idle control valve into the intake.
Mine is not the electric ICV
Its a bosch upright air idle control valve

Front of reg vac tubing is red but can't trace it

Back of WUR is a vac hose that goes into the top of a T vac hose which connects to one vent of a Thermo vac valve switch
the other t arm goes to the back of the intake next to the fuel distrib area.

Sharing that TVV is another vac hose that connects to the 4 way vac hose in the front.
That 4 arm hose also goes to a air inject valve before going into the intake
Also connects to distibutor valve & a red line I can't trace...

It has bee suspected somewhere in this line is the EGR???

Anyway car runs flawlessly

Starts like a dream when stome cold
I have started it 2 times ok when warm if I restart with 5 minutes.

Still having a bad warm/hot sa=tart after the car is driven
You can leave the car and hour or 2 hours & when you try to restart
its crank city

Yesterday one restart took 2 long cranks
The other was lots of cranking many times
until finally I sat a while
Then it started a died a time or two before it finally got running...

The car did sit for 4 years
& I have only driven it say 125 miles so far
but this is the only problem I have with it...

Will asks mechanic tomoorow

Its going in for plugs & to replace the broken Tvv which is bypassed
Still car runs fine
even better
but that warm/hot start is still the same
or maybe even worse since the tvv broke but I don't think thats the cause of it.

Closet I have come to understanding this is
after the car has been run
when its shut there is a slight residual fuel leakage
it pools & creates a sort of flooded situation...

Now thats fuel injectors
as they are
& $$$$
so trying to see what I can do to minimize this & live with it...
Hoping maybe its even something else.

83 500 SEC Euro 198K
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