Originally Posted by TMAllison
There are no orings associated with the injectors.....
Do you mean delivery valve seals and crush washers at the IP? If so, ALL 60x series pumps use the same size orings.
After I posted I realised I might've been a bit vague. The seal I'm referring to is at the point where the entire injector seats into the prechamber. That is what's leaking. I'm not talking about any internal injector seal. Although the crush washers might also be a good one to replace in addition since the lines have to be off anyways.
Does that clear it up any?
If you've not done that job before you should be extremely cautious and educate yourself first. Is easy to ruin a IP if you pull the worng parts.
I hear you on that one! I'm still wieghing my options on how to proceed. But regardless of how that happens, I want to make sure I have all necessary parts in hand before anything occurs.