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Old 07-14-2007, 12:11 PM
Arthur Dalton Arthur Dalton is offline
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Originally Posted by Oracle12345 View Post
Both the high and low are on at the same time wether its a cold or hot engine.

Seems to me like they should turn a certain temperature and not be on all the time according to my understanding of they work.
Your understanding is in error.
They work in unison and they are both on LOW or HIGH. There is not a seperate fan for low and one for high..they both are turning high or low, at the same time.. the speed is determined by which circuit is feeding the fans at that time..if it is a high fan, it is the engine coolant temp circuit..if it is a low fan speed , it is the /ac control circuit feeding the fans
The SPEED is the first question.
If you are insure which speed , then unplugged the relays you say you have tested ..[ one at a time] relay is for low speed and one is for high ..When you unplug the one that stops the fan, you will then know which fan speed circuit we have a problem on. The we can do the next test step.

Last edited by Arthur Dalton; 07-14-2007 at 12:35 PM.
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