Thread: WVO Blends
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Old 06-28-2007, 08:37 PM
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PanzerSD PanzerSD is offline
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well, this was just a Quick functionality/feasability test.

My Current mix ratio is 15:1 for every 15 litres WVO, is one litre of RUG.
seems to work alright. I plan to use WVO like this, filtered to 1 micron and blended to stay pourable at 5*C. Then as I stockpile thru the winter, burning regular Diesel, I'll start making B100, and blend for the weather. I have access to 2 1000 Litre fuel tanks, so I'll have no problem storing it. Which brings up another question. How long can WVO stand before it goes rancid? it'll have some animal fats in it so I'm expecting it to go bad fairly quickly.

the stuff I used just now is 4 months old. sitting in a cubie in my garage at no lower than 10*c.

I'm devising plans for a centrifugal filtering system . is a gauze type filter fine enough to filter WVO to a usable state?
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