Thread: Camless Modz
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Old 05-02-2007, 10:28 PM
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deerefanatic deerefanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by Hatterasguy View Post
My understanding of the 617 is the way the head is designed they run out of meaningfull steam at 4k. I beleive the dyno charts start to show a sharp drop in torque at that point. So can this technoligy improve your power down low where it matters? Like 2k rpm?
yes & no......

Yes, due to being a crossflow head, the 617 has some problems breathing at high revs.....

No, the sharp drop in HP is not the motor... At 4600 - 4800 rpm's, the rev limiter begins to kick in.... It doesn't limit engine speed at these levels, but the effect really puts a dent in the torque/hp curve right there......

Brandon has been able to alleviate this on his car by circumventing the rev limiter.... but that has it's own risks!

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