I like diesels because it seems like they want miles compared with gas cars that are afraid of high miles. I can remember getting nervous when the mini-van hit 100k miles. Now I take special trips when I'm close to a roll-over and I do so with a camera.
I like them because they run and idle so consistently. During the winter months, I let them rumble in parking lots with the heat on low so that I don't have to return to a frigid car. I tried to run one out of fuel once by letting it idle (thought I had a bad tank of fuel). The stinkin thing would still be running because they use hardly anything just sitting there.
Finally, I love the heavy-duty feel whether behind the wheel of our coach bus (700k & tight) or the MB's.
'84 300DT 298k (Aubrey's)
'99.5 Jetta TDI IV 251k (Julie's)
'97 Jetta TDI 127k (Amber's)
'97 Jetta TDI 186k (Matt's)
'96 Passat TDI 237k (Don's
'84 300D 211k Mint (Arne- Undergoing Greasecar Conversion)
'82 240D 229k (Matt's - Converted-300DT w/ 4 speed