I don't know what he means by "bad". Trouble
is, or maybe not the trouble, depending on
how you look at it, is that he knows these
cars and he always fixes my problems when I
bring the cars to him. The trouble is also a
language barrier. He's a bit temperamental and
can be difficult to understand. Anyway, I
end up not asking as many questions as maybe I
should because he fixes the car. These two
guys have worked on the old Mercedes cars for
a long time. When I bought my '57 190 in
1989, they were the guys I brought it to.
They may only be doing valve guides and seals.
Perhaps that's what they meant by bad. They
are reasonable. I'll keep you posted. He said
he would check the tensioner and advise if it
is worn. The valves were supposedly adjusted
last December or 1,500 miles ago. That's 1,500
miles, yes. I was just getting ready to do the
job myself (friend loaned me the wrenches, had
the valve cover gasket, etc.) when this happened.
He said if the rings were bad they would do those
too but I guess they held oil. Injectors were
also on my short list. They will be replaced
too. I'll try to get the old ones and perhaps
use them as wampum. They can be rebuilt right?
Will keep you posted. Thanks for the comments.
These guys will wonder why I have so many
intelligent questions tomorrow.
