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Old 01-24-2007, 06:32 PM
stumbler stumbler is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 38
which handpump for recovering veggie oil, and where do i get it?

today i visited my local chippie and tried to syphon out his used frying oil from his barrel with a hose pipe, but the oil was so thick with the cold that it just wouldn't syphon.

even if it had managed to get it started, it would have taken so long to transfer that i would have died of cold long before i had filled even one of my new 25 ltr containers.

so i would like to buy a decent handpump, a no-nonsense, suck you out of there, pumpthing, but i have no idea which type is best and where to get one. I'm in London.

I believe i have seen pictures somewhere of a pump with a 'T' handle at the top which has a stroke of about 18 inches, i think it was for bailing out boats. this I imagine would be the beast to get me on top suction form.

any suggestions most welcome, as i cannot go to biodiesel heaven until i have sucked my oil from chippie hell.


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