Originally Posted by Nissan_diesel
Bought a glow plug reamer off ebay sould be here tomorrow.
Another question what has to happen if it breaks off?
Sure hope it does not but there is always a chance I guess.
Just so you understand.
If it breaks off, you're looking at a miserable project to drill it out and tap it again. Since the injection pump is in the way on 1-3, you'll be removing that.
Since the oil filter housing is in the way on 5-6, you'll be removing that.
And, if you're unsuccessful in attempting to drill and retap it on the engine, you're looking at pulling the cylinder head to repair it.
Furthermore, if you do manage to repair it without removing the head, you'll be pulling the prechamber to remove all the accumulated crap that is now plugging the very tiny holes in the bottom.
A word to the wise:
Patience, my son.