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Old 08-17-2006, 02:14 AM
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KylePavao KylePavao is offline
Diesel Fanatic
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Tiverton Rhode Island/University of Rhode Island
Posts: 400
Going to tackle the front calipers

Well my pull when braking was from two things:

1. A steering damper that is completely shot

2. A sticky caliper up front. (This was discovered by uneven wear on one rotor, and is the major factor in the pulling)

I was able to get Crown rebuilt ATE calipers for 40 dollars each, so I decided it was time to replace both front calipers.

I also bought new pads all around, as rotors have been recently replaced.

Any special hints for these calipers? Or is it just the simple take off, put on new one, bleed, and go routine?
1976 300D
190,000 Miles
Colorado Beige

1975 300D
Parts Car
78,000 Miles
Also Colorado Beige

1984 190D 2.2 (Dad's)
156,000 miles
Champagne Metallic Clearcoat
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