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Old 07-11-2006, 03:13 PM
Brian Carlton Brian Carlton is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Blue Point, NY
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Originally Posted by Samuel M. Ross

Do you mean this literally?... if you are you speaking of what is often called the 3-in-1 vacuum valve? Well on both my 240D and 300D MBZs I have concluded this vacuum valve not only switches the EGR on/off but also turns on/off the "bleed" effect of the VCV on the IP. I'm not certain but I think this has something to do with preventing the tranny from prematurely down shifting when you let off the accelerator.
If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have said it.

They are referred to as 3-2 valves and the vacuum setup on an '84 is different than yours. He can remove everything that goes to the black box.

You can't.
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