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Old 07-11-2006, 11:02 AM
Mismost Mismost is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Texas Hill Country
Posts: 510
Thanks for the part numbers and the low down.

My 83 300td shifted really nasty, flared, slipped and was sloppy to boot. Due to all the reading on this forum, I "fixed it" for about 30 cents worth of vaccum hose and a couple of BB's....yepper good vacuum is everything.

Put an offer in on another 300td and the lady called me back and I went to look at the car. She had told me it was low on power and did not shift good. I took some vac hose, and bb's with me. Cleaned the plugged banjo bolt, blocked off the EGR vac hoses, replaced the vac to tranny connection....totally different car.

I advise checking ALL vacuum connections as THE starting point on these older can make a world of difference!
1983 300TD Wagon
Even a broken watch is right twice a day
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