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Old 04-28-2006, 04:22 AM
rchase rchase is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 783
Black Cars

My 300SD's paint has seen better days. When I first bought it I figured I would have to repaint it. I was actually able to restore the finish to an acceptable finish by using a colored wax product. Colored waxes really only work on black cars. When I wax the 300SD I do it in several layers allowing the wax to rest a day in between. I start with a cleaner wax then do the colored wax and then move onto a high gloss glaze product. The black wax eliminates a lot of the scratches and chips in the paints surface. I think my car looks pretty good for a 24 year old car. While black cars are a bit of a pain for swirl marks they are great for hiding scratches and chips.
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