Correlation between high engine temps and stalling?
I have a 1994 E420, which just passed 120,000 miles. I recently had the major service completed, and due to an infrequent stalling problem, my mechanic cleaned out the throttle body. Also, the car was running about 105-110 C in traffic, so we changed out the thermostat, having replaced the radiator some time ago. Sadly, the car still runs hot, and it still stalls from time to time. The last time I posted about the stalling problem, many people suggested an OVP relay, but I later found out that this model does not have an OVP relay. Is there anything else which could cause the stalling, and is the stalling related to the overly high engine temps? As far as I can tell, the stalling does not occur when the car is cold.
I have already replaced the spark plugs and the fuel filter. Hoping someone might have some suggestions which I can pass on to my mechanic. Thanks in advance.