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Old 02-25-2006, 02:50 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,081
Don't worry about the intake cam gear. If you didn't loosen or remove the "large nut in the center" you're OK. That's the cam advance mechanism. It's supposed to be able to rotate a few degrees, independant of the exhaust cam. The "compression" you hear leaking out when you turn it is actually motor oil being pushed out. It sounds like you've only removed the plunger/valve that supplies oil pressure the advance mechanism. Just put it back together the way it came apart and forget it.

Since we're talking about the cam advance mechanism, here's another tip you may find helpful. Once you've got the head off of the engine, lean it up against the wall in the corner (so it can't fall over) with the front up and the mating surface facing you. Look at the bottom, on the left side. You'll see the bore (this is why they leak oil at the right rear of the engine) leading to the main oil passage, which leads to the advance mechanism. Turn the advance mechanism back and forth a few degrees. You'll notice quite a bit of oil coming out of that bore. While you're prepping the block for the new gasket, let the head drain. Turn the advance mechanism a few degrees every so often. This will vent the passage and allow more oil to drain out. If you don't do this you'll have dirty oil coming out while you're re-installing the head.

You've still got lots of work to do, so be patient. Remember, the tear down ALWAYS takes less time than re-assembly.
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