Originally Posted by Hatterasguy
Brandon I don't know how it works in OR, but in CT if you have glass coverage they will change your windshield for free. Just call your insurance company and say you can't see out of it anymore, thats all it takes.
Simple as can be all you have to do is give up your car for a few hours as they swap in a new one.
I presume this is if you have full coverage?
If so...I don't have such stuff on my car. The cost of it is just not worth what I have invested into my car.
If state farm was willing to do it, I'd go for it. But knowing them, they'll try to charge me all of it and then raise my rates for no reason
I figure a REAL mercedes windshiled is in order. Assuming this in the origional..its taken some SERIOUS rock attacks and survived with nothing more than a tiny chip...no cracks...etc...amazing glass thickness