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Old 12-15-2005, 07:47 AM
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iNeon iNeon is offline
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Location: Birmingham, AL
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i was born a cynic

yes, perception of quality plays a giant role in which cars sell and which ones sell after hefty discounting.

the general public thinks that a loud, smelly car is a bad car. you cannot get around that way of thinking.

i do not wish to buy a new tdi/cdi/crd engine just because i am not the financing type. i want an affordable, SERVICABLE car that i can afford to repair. these new diesel engines are just plain too advanced. that research and development cost is factored into the price of the parts and i dont want any single part of the car(beyond the engine or transmission) to cost over 2,000 to replace.

low sulpher fuels are going to be here in a year and i have yet to hear a yes or no to whether theyll be good for our cars. are they?

i think youre missing the point here alltogether....

internal combustion engines, PERIOD, are bad for air. burning anything, PERIOD, is bad for the air. feeding your dog chilli, PERIOD, is bad for the air.
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