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Old 12-09-2005, 07:53 PM
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waybomb waybomb is offline
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If you want to keep the MB ride, get made-for-lowering Eibachs or similar.
If you cut your springs, you'll get the height but the ride will suck. If you are pressed for cash, watch eBay.
My 16V has correct lowering springs and rides like it is supposed to.
Now look at the rear wheel/tire. See how it is slanted to perpendicular? This is because by lowering the car, you change the geometry of the suspension. I fab'd adjustable camber arms to fix this. But I think they can be bought somewhere. If you are going to do this to your Benz, you need to have money to do it correctly, or don't do it.
Spings = $100-$500, depending on where you find them, new or used
Alignment = $80 at least for all 4, and teaching the alignment guy how to adjust the camber!
Adjustable camber bars = At least $200.00

So, about the cheapest you'll get away with is about $400, and that is YOU doing most of the work yourself. And DO NOT DO THIS JOB WITHOUT A KLANN SPRING COMPRESSOR!!!
Attached Thumbnails
to cut or not to cut-dsc02064.jpg  
Thank You!
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Last edited by waybomb; 12-09-2005 at 08:07 PM.
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