what style of IP do you have?
This smoking thing might be as simple as an alda adjutment or the alda might be blown. If you have an old M-Style IP (I think they were only on the 240s) it has a fuel adjustment at the rear of the pump that you can make very simply that will stop the smoking.
I doubt it is injectors as your car starts and runs... If your injectors were that bad it would be an awful ride I would think. So. Cal, so you are at sea level? I don't klnow o fmany folks that got a great deal of relief in changing out injectors. Yes it no doubt helps but I have not heard of anyone finding this to be a miracle cure for smoking...
'99 S420 - Mommies
'72 280SE 4.5 - looking to breathe life into it
'84 300SD Grey - Sold
'85 300SD Silver - Sold
'78 Ski Nautique