Originally Posted by RiceCakes619
Hmm I'm not sure what I'm getting =/
I had a feeling asking them to look at stuff will cost money >_< ahh well.
I'll see what happens. I bought the car without any prior knowledge about its service records. We had the family mechanic look at it, but he said it was normal for my car to be all slow... even though it felt like i got 50% more power from fixing a tube and changing the air filter.
What would a ,ajor service point be? Like what would they want to do? I'm at 260,000 and the last owner didn't take care of the car too much from what I can tell =(
Well on the bright side I get a loaner car! whoo hoo!
the dealer is all about asking for money, as much as they can get.
You need to find a good Independent MB mechanic, not to say your family mechaninc isn't good, but this car needs a mechanic with experience on the 124 diesels, otherwise you may as well pay a dealer to work on it because a non experineced mechanic could make a mess out of things.
Your '87 300D turbo should rocket off from a dead start like no diesel you ever thought possible. Hopefully it will after the trapectomy!
Oh yes, my '87 300D does not have a howl in the differential, its almost completely quiet, I have to listen for a tiny gear noise, although there its very slight.